Category Archives: Wovens

Sangria Jeans, Part 2: Cutting

My work on the Sangria Jeans for the PatternReview contest begins.

Originally, I intended for the Sangria bull denim to be just for a muslin, because the color is so strong.  But now it’s going towards making an actual, wearable pair of jeans.  And I just found a matching colored jeans zipper at JoAnn’s last night.

I do have a floral nylon/lycra Hawaiian T-shirt I sewed, which will go very well with the Sangria fabric.

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Sangria Jeans and other Upcoming Projects

It’s time for me to take stock on my project list, and see where I’m at.

One thing that has surprised me, and not for the better, is how slow I am getting through my project list.  I’ve been sewing for a year and a half, and some projects I wanted to start on Day 1, like a pair of jeans, I’m only just getting to now.

Sewing projects, by nature, are time-consuming. But when you have to teach yourself all the necessary info, puzzle through situations without benefit of a live person to ask for help, and execute a new sewing technique for the first time, that just multiplies the time you spend on a project. Continue reading

Sewing with Seersucker

For my springtime shirt made with McCall’s 6044, I’m using some pink seersucker fabric I picked up at Joann Fabrics, during one of their many sales.


This fabric is challenging to me in two ways:

  • It’s a plaid, so it will require careful matching to get everything to line up nicely
  • It’s seersucker, which presents challenges in cutting, interfacing and pressing.

This is my first time sewing with seersucker, so I consulted the Great Google for advice.  Here’s a summary of what I found: Continue reading

The Telescope Caddy: Part 3

Dear Blog,

Today I finished my prototype telescope caddy, and got it ready for a night under the stars this coming weekend!

Last time, I discussed how the extra-heavy eyepieces would prove too much for Velcro to hold the caddy onto the side of the telescope.

I altered the design to use a new idea for a suspension mechanism: A “cap” that covers the top of the telescope. The inside-facing side of the cap provides the support needed to suspend the outward-facing side.

Patterns and Cutting

Some things I needed to do:

  • Draw a pattern piece for the back side.
  • Add seam allowance to the front side piece.
  • Redraw the pattern pieces for the bellows pockets, this time to better fit the eyepieces.
  • Measure out two additional oilcloth strips to seam the inside to outside-facing piece.

After all the pattern alterations, I measured and cut all the pieces from the oilcloth. (Click or tap photos for larger versions).

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The Telescope Caddy: Part 1

Now that I have a specialized notebook for my astronomical observing, the next thing to tackle is a way to keep tools and accessories organized while at the telescope.

The most important accessories are the telescope’s eyepieces, which are interchangeable like the lenses on a high-end camera.  Like camera lenses, each offers different magnification, zoom and field of view.  And they’re a pain to keep organized in pitch darkness; each one is about the size of a hand grenade and can cost several hundred dollars. The last thing you want is for one to fall on the ground and hit cement or dirt.

The Telescope

There’s several types of telescopes; my preferred type is called a “Dobsonian” after its creator, John Dobson. It somewhat resembles a cannon on a pedestal. Compared to other types of telescopes, it is drop-dead simple to use and the optics are powerful enough to show even faint galaxies. Fully assembled, it is taller than I am; it breaks down and nests for easy transport to and from an observing site.

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