Category Archives: Fashion and Style

Fashion, design and style

My First Client

I’ve been very delinquent in contributing to the blog lately, because I’ve been pouring my attention into sewing!

Part of the reason I have been so busy was Paul Gallo’s course in patternmaking and draping I took in January, plus time I spent outside the class absorbing the material.  But another reason why I’ve been so busy is that I’ve been engaged in another project, with a deadline: I’m sewing for a client.

Sewing For Others

So, first a confession of sorts.  As I’ve been developing as a sewist, I have been toying with the idea of sewing for others.

It’s part of the reason I’ve taken the long, difficult road of learning fitting and pattern alteration, rather than just tracing off a garment that already fits, or making minor alterations to a commercial pattern and hoping for the best.  I’ve wanted to develop a skill set that I could apply to others as well as myself – but to what end, I’ve never been sure.

I also knew I would have to approach sewing for others as a business, and not as a “for free” or “doing a favor” type thing.  I’ve read too many horror stories from other sewing bloggers. People think it’s easy for you to give up your time to “whip up” a quick something that they know you’ve been sitting around, just waiting to create for them.  Generally, most people are completely unaware of the amount of work that goes into creating a well-made garment, and are unappreciative of the effort.  I know a lot of other bloggers have an unstated rule that they will not sew for people who ask.

And that has also been my stance on the matter. Until now. Continue reading

Jeans Part 7: Waistband

Before I move on with my Jeans project, I just have to get one thing out of the way.

My boyfriend Jim says my jeans “look like Toughskins”.

Anybody who lived through the ’70s knows how truly terrifying Sears Toughskins jeans were. My mother dutifully ordered Toughskins from the Sears catalog every year for back-to-school.  The styling was totally dumpy, even for the ’70s. The fabric was made of wood fiber and sandpaper.  And my mother ordered them for me in the “Husky” size.

Childhood nightmares revisited

Jim told his mother flat-out he wouldn’t wear Toughskins. I wasn’t quite so smart.  I just wore them and looked like biggest nerd in school.

Let’s just see what Jim gets the next time I sew him something. Continue reading